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Monday, June 25, 2012

Warrior Dash

I did something today that I never imagined myself doing. I signed up to participate in the Warrior Dash! It's a 5km run/obstacle course that looks both crazy and fun. I'm going with the group of gals from bootcamp and I won't lie - I'm scared. But as much as I'm scared to do something like that, I'm also super excited because it's something I would never do on my own. Especially not at my current weight. Even if I had any interest in doing it, I  would have brushed it off as "something skinny people do." Not anymore. No more using my weight as an excuse.

So come August 4th, I will be one of those crazy people covered in mud and smiling like crazy! I've got a month to build up my fitness level and I am more than ready for the challenge!


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