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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Weekend Report Card

4 days away, 3 big family events, 2 different cities, 1 person trying to stay healthy:
Food: A- (would be an A but I did indulge in some treats and had a few days of only 3-4 meals)
Exercise: B
Water: C+
Family: A+++

I did it! I not only passed my “test” this weekend, but I actually lost weight! I’m down 1.4 pounds this week. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with my family and didn’t feel deprived at all, which to me is even more rewarding than the weight loss. I ate when I could and the best that I could. I even had two small pieces of the mint chocolate cake on Saturday night! I didn’t let my emotions control me after my Grandpa’s service on Friday, which I am probably most proud of. We had to go straight to the ferry after the service and I was so disappointed to see that they didn’t have a buffet on the boat we were on. This meant I had to stand in line for about 25 minutes and be tormented by the smell of fries. Combine that with my heavy heart and all I wanted to do was stuff my face with sweet potato fries and a monty mushroom burger. Thankfully I was with my Nana and we pressured each other into getting the wild salmon dinners instead. I wasn’t completely satisfied, but I told myself that it would have to be enough. I kept all my promises to myself, other than the running two of the days. I only got out for a run once, but if you take into account all the setting up and clean up for the big party I still got exercise!

My other super exciting moment of the weekend was going shopping with my Great Aunt (the birthday girl!). She was a blast to shop with and we were both really successful at Reitmans! I found an outfit that was made up entirely of clothes on the regular side of the store! No plus size! See:

My new goal is to be shopping in all regular stores by the time I need a back to school outfit. I can do it, I know I can! :)

The one thing my body is not so happy about is that I am really sleep deprived. We were up super late every night, which my body is not used to anymore! I’ve also been away from home quite a bit lately. In the last three weeks I’ve been to the mainland 3 times and up to Comox once. Plus adding in bootcamp, so my days are very very busy! I think I need a day just to myself. To sleep in, clean for a couple of hours and then spend the rest of day doing nothing but reading or watching a movie cuddled with my cat. I can feel it in my work outs that I’m tired, which is getting a bit frustrating. Yesterday I didn’t even break a sweat on the Curves circuit because I was too tired to push myself. Unfortunately, my manager at work is out with a back injury, so I had to take over a couple of her shifts. 

Tomorrow is going to be the most interesting interesting day.. I'm working 6am-1:15, 3 hour break and then 4-8pm. Then the next morning I'm there from 6am-1:15pm again! Thank goodness I did a grocery run Tuesday morning. I have all my meals packed for tomorrow, except dinner. I don't have enough in my fridge to throw something together so on my 3 hour break I will do some meal planning and a quick grocery shop.

Because of everything that's going on, my day of relaxation probably won’t happen until August long weekend. Which is the same weekend as the Warrior Dash! Wow, that day is coming up quickly! I was concerned that I wouldn’t be ready for the Warrior Dash after only a month of bootcamp, but apparently I didn’t need to worry! Even though I’m not in top shape, I am amazed at how much my endurance has increased. I won’t be running for the full 5km, but I will be running for as much as I can! Before I started bootcamp I would run from my house to the mailbox and be super winded. Now I can make it a few blocks before needing to stop! I really pushed myself today at bootcamp with the running.. I love the feeling of sweat pouring down my forehead and my legs feeling completely exhausted. Now if only my core strength would improve so quickly...


  1. Hi Susie So proud of your determination. Michelle

  2. Oh my gosh, Susie, you look... AMAZING. I have been popping on to your blog every time I see you post something new and it is always so inspiring. You are doing such an incredible job. Wow. I am blown away by your dedication :)

    - Kelsey

  3. Awesome Susie,
    You are an inspiration to all.
    Your story is amazing!

    I feel fortunate to work with you and
    have some of your "go do it" attitude rub off!

    See you Monday!
    Joyce :)
