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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Eating on the go

I feel like I'm about to take a test. I'm spending 4 days away from home, which is the most I've spent in a while. Tomorrow is also my grandpa's service and I'm not sure how I'll get through the day without letting my emotions take over. For me, the scary thing is I don't have much planned in terms of food. I have no idea what my food will look like day to day and I will just have to make the best choices I can. Usually when I go away I have as much planned as possible so that I'm not tempted to eat junk. So in a way, the next few days will be a test. I'm letting go of the control, and I'm hoping all my good habits stay nicely in place. I think they will, but it's still nerve racking.

I've set myself up for as much success as possible though..

1) I brought my protein powder from home. This way, all I need is some fruit, ice and milk and I can whip up a tasty meal.
2) I have my trusty bag of almonds with me. I never leave home without them anymore, you never know when you might get super hungry and just need something to tide you over.
3) I brought my bag of flaxseed with me. I bought some at Costco the other day and I am loving it in my oatmeal.
4) A good chunk of my family reads this blog, so I know I'll get nothing but support from them. I won't have to justify why I say no or read every nutritional label before I take a bite :)

And I suppose I am planned a little bit. I have my regular go tos that are super easy and worst case scenario I'll ask to go for a quick grocery run. Or even if I don't have my go tos on hand, I can still pick the right kind of food (protein/starch/fruit/etc) and make sure my portion sizes are in check.

Go to breakfast: anything that is protein + starch + fruit
1) Protein pancakes
2) Oatmeal with flaxseed and berries and 2 fried eggwhites
3) 2 eggs, 1 piece of toast, fruit of choice

Go to snacks: protein + veggies/fruits + dairy
1) Protein shake (feels like I'm cheating because they are SO yummy)
2) Edamame beans (new obsession) and apple/pear/peach/other fruit
3) Greek yogourt or cottage cheese with fruit

Go to lunch: protein + starch + butt load of veggies

Go to dinner: 2 protein + fat + veggies

Now that I type it all out, I am a lot less nervous. I think the main thing will be avoiding temptations like cake and treats, which when I am around family is actually easier than when I'm by myself. I don't mean to say that I'm trying to deprive myself, I don't plan on it. I might have a few bites of something, but I'm not going to go overboard like I usually would. Why? Simple - it's not worth it. My body is so used to healthy, clean foods that if I try to eat crap, I feel disgusting. And right now, I am SUPER motivated to meet my goals. I can practically taste "normal size stores." I'm in a very public challenge at work. I'm paying a whole whack of money for bootcamp.

Also, I sort of already had my splurge meal this week. *Confessional time* Earlier this week PMS won out and I bought myself some DQ ice cream. Small sundae with half the amount of dipped chocolate and I loved every bite.

I think what I'm nervous about is that my good intentions will fly out the windows during buffet meals. When it's make something specific and eat it, I usually don't have a problem. It's the appies before dinner with the delicious dips, meats etc. that are my downfall.

SO.. my promise to myself?

1) I promise that when I feel like grabbing chocolate or dips I will stop and think first. Why am I doing this? Since the most likely answer will be because I'm sad, instead I will go find a family member and hug them.
2) I promise when it comes to appies, I can only go to the table TWICE. That's right, twice and that is it. And each time my plate has to be 3/4 veggies.
3) I promise I will walk/run/hike at least 2 of the next 3 days.
4) I promise that I will not expect myself to be perfect. Tomorrow will be an incredibly tough day for me emotionally and I refuse to beat myself up for whatever happens. If things don't go as I want them to I will not let it derail my day/weekend/week. This is my life and I'm in it for the long run, I know I can't be all healthy food all the time 24/7.


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