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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Feeling confident

Just a quick update today - I'm finally home with enough time that I'll get a decent night's sleep tonight! Yay! That means tomorrow I'll finally have a bootcamp class where I'm not tired before I even start.

Today was over all awesome. Had some really great, rewarding moments at work. Got a haircut and *finally* touched up my roots! Then I went to dinner with Jordana and Nicole and spent the night wandering around downtown Victoria checking out the Busker's Festival. It was so much fun and I haven't laughed so much in a long time. And then on the bus ride home I chatted up a cute exchange student named Malik. That's right - me, Susie, initiated a conversation with someone I thought was cute. Call me lame but it's something I've never had the confidence to do, so I am celebrating it here. 

Oh, and the best part about today?

I FIT AN XL SHIRT AT SMART SET!! Which means I can now fit into Ricky's, Smart Set, and the Gap. I've doubled the amount of stores that I can shop in, haha. I can't wait for back to school shopping. This is the first time that I've been able to look at a shirt and say "it fits, but it's not flattering enough so I won't get it." Usually there are very limited options at plus size stores so you just take whatever fits best. I'm looking forward to developing a style! With the help of all my fashionable friends who have promised to take me shopping! :) 

And because I had a geek moment and took these pictures.. I shall share them. I took them while I was waiting outside at the Starbucks. I had just left Smart Set and was feeling pretty good about myself, hence the pictures.
I can sorta cross my legs now! My thunder thighs are still a bit too big, so it's not the most comfortable position, but I will take it! And also, I loved my sandles, so they had to be included. I've spent most of the summer either at Curves (so workout gear) or actually working out, so I haven't worn a cute outfit with nice shoes in a while. It felt pretty damn good :)

I remember sitting in that exact spot over a year ago and my thighs touching against the edges. Not anymore baby! I had a bit of space on the other side too :)

Needless to say, I've had a wonderful last couple of days. It's been a tough month with all my family stuff, so it felt really refreshing to have the light hearted moments. Blondes really do have more fun :)


  1. That is AWESOME Susie!!!
    Loved our time doing the Queen thing at Curves, so fun.
    I watched you walk away when I dropped you off today!
    Susie, you look amazing, I can't believe how far you've come.
    Keep it up girl!! :)

  2. Thanks Joyce! I had so much fun with the Last Queen too, it worked out really well! Thank you SOO much for coming out, I couldn't have done it without you :)
