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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Celebrating vs Judging

What I've discovered from my first month of my 100 Days of Love Challenge:

  • My default has been to judge how far I still have to go, rather than to celebrate how far I've come. I've known that for a while, and now I am actively taking on challenging that conversation.
  • Little steps add up to big changes when you take the time to look back.
  • When I take on new responsibilities and bigger games in life, my old habits can come creeping back and compassion is the key when they do.
  • People get weird when you start talking about learning to love yourself. I've had the mixed bag of reactions.. from eyebrows raised and people scoffing to nods of approval and interested questions. I'm learning to love the reactions.
  • That every time I reach out for support, I'm reminded that I'm surrounded by people who love me for who I am, not for what I do or how much I can accomplish or what I weigh. Which of course I know, but that nasty voice inside my head forgets that sometimes. 
  • On that note, I am NOT the little voice in my head. Which again, intellectually I know, and I have to remind myself of that often right now.
A few days ago I started to feel really guilty that I'd stopped taking daily pictures of my acts of love. And started doubting that I'd really taken this challenge seriously. Then I looked back at all that I've accomplished since I started.

I take my iron supplements every morning.
I now bike to and from work almost every day.
I make green smoothies for breakfast or lunch.
I eat out maybe 1-2 times a week, tops.
I'm up at 7:30am every morning, call Caroline at 7:35am and do yoga at 7:40am.
Every time I look in the mirror, I take a moment to be grateful for my day and acknowledge something I've accomplished already.

The crazy thing... I didn't set out with those goals. I set out with the goal of learning to love myself, and this is what has grown from that, completely organically. 

31 days in, 59 to go. I can't wait to see what comes next.


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