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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012: A Year of Transformation

I've been largely absent the month of December, I apologize. I could make a ton of excuses but none of them really matter. I couldn't, however, let today end without reflecting on 2012.

2012 was definitely a record breaking year for me. I had a few lows, but a ton of highs.

  • With the help of my family and close friends, I continued working through my emotional issues. I stopped being afraid to talk about the hard stuff, I opened up and finally let people see the true me. 
  • There were a couple of incidents this year that literally thrust my past right in front of me and instead of hiding away and eating food to cope, I leaned on my support system and I became a stronger person for it.
  • I had a tough practicum that put me through the loop, but I turned to exercise and friends instead of food when I felt at my lowest. I discovered a lot more about myself than I thought I would and have used that to help guide me in my healing process. I also made a great contact which led me to my current wonderful home. :)
  • I took a 30 hour course through Curves to become a Curves Complete trainer and worked one on one with more than a dozen people on their own weight loss journeys through the summer. 
  • Things really began to change for me when I joined BDHQ's Biggest Winner Program. I discovered that I was stronger than I ever thought possible and that I could do anything I set my mind to.
  • I started this blog - self explanatory.
  • I completed both the Warrior Dash and a half marathon, proving that my weight does not hold me back from anything.
  • I started dating, which for those who know me well know that's a huge deal. My lack of self confidence and self worth when I was at my heaviest led me to be extremely awkward around anyone of the opposite sex. I grew up surrounded by women, both in my family and my friend groups, so I had no idea how to act normal around guys. Thanks to the amazing summer I had, I feel like such a difference person and have no problem showing most people who I really am, regardless of their gender.
  • I met two HUGE milestones - 100 lbs lost and I hit ONEderland.
  • Sadly, I had to quit my job at Curves in October. I started feeling too over whelmed with everything and made the scary decision not to work during my last year of university.
  • I fit into my friends and family's clothes now. The biggest milestone was when I fit into Kelly's old clothes - they still make me feel like a million bucks when I wear them.
  • I started shopping in regular clothing stores. Just yesterday I went with one of my roommates to Forever 21 and bought a few things. It wasn't until I got back that I realized I never once thought that I wouldn't be able to fit into their clothes. That was the first time in my life that I have gone shopping with a friend and not been a nervous wreck. It felt wonderful.
  • I've inspired my family as well, both my parents have lost a significant amount of weight as well by making healthy choices in their own lives.
  • I went blonde! After all, blondes have more fun ;)
  • For the first time in my life, I am truly putting my health first. Body mind and soul, I come first now.
Wow, once I started listed that all out, that looks like a pretty stellar year!! I'm looking forward to what 2013 will bring. I haven't made any New Years Resolutions because I find they don't work for myself. Instead, I'm working on a goal list to see me through this next year. Once I finish it I'll post it on here. Some big life changes are ahead but I am no longer afraid of change. I am looking at life straight on, excited to be where I am and who I am. 

I wanted to do a one year photo comparison, but apparently I didn't take many pictures last Christmas! The best one I found that showed my whole body was from February 3.

And here is me this Christmas, with my sister and cousins.

4 beautiful girls, inside and out! <3 

I ended 2012 with a smaller body and a much bigger, brighter smile! A friend of my mine said this in her blog today and I think it is a great way to sum up my goals for 2013:

Let's inspire each other to be who we really are - for that, my friends, is always enough.


  1. I hope you know how awesome you truly are! You are a great inspiration and I am so happy for your success and your self confidence!! Happy, happy 2013!!!
