You may have noticed my blog looks a little different. And you can expect much more to come.
When I started almost two years ago, this was my tagline:
Half Sized Teacher: Losing half my body weight and discovering what I'm passionate about.
I thought that once I reached my goal weight, that magic "150", I'd have life figured out. And even though I told people it wasn't about the number, I always had that little voice saying once I was skinny I'd be "fixed." My body would be a walking example of how I'd conquered all my inner demons. Of course, I'd hear the voice and then just push it away and say "No, I don't believe that, numbers don't define me." And yet really it's exactly what I think. Accepting that, I find myself breathing a little easier. I don't need to pretend anymore. At the moment of writing this sentence, I think that in order to be truly happy, I need to be physically smaller. And you know what's so neat about that? I'm the one doing the thinking. My inner voice can say allll she wants. I hear her. And I understand. And I'm going to go about my day being awesome and creating happiness every day.
My time as a blogger has been an incredible roller coaster ride for me. I haven't lost half my body weight yet, but I sure as hell discovered what I'm passionate about. And more than that, I've discovered that I've known all along. I was just too scared to talk about it.
I am passionate about authenticity
I am passionate about healthy living
I am passionate about education
I am passionate about being in nature
I am passionate about love
I am passionate about family
I am passionate about connection
I am passionate about confronting insecurities
I am passionate about stepping outside the comfort zone
I am passionate about contributing to other people
I am passionate about making a difference in this world
I am passionate about self care
I am passionate about hugging
I am passionate about all my geeky obsessions
I am passionate about other people being passionate and fulfilled
I am passionate about BUSTING through the limits I impose on myself
I am passionate about reaching out when all I want to do is hide out
I am passionate about living true to myself
I am passionate about people knowing themselves as beautiful, worthy, incredible human beings
I think you get the idea.. this list could go on forever.
Creating this blog was a huge step outside of my comfort zone and was amazing for me. And I realized lately I felt constrained by it. I'd avoid blogging, feel bad, get inspired to write again, write something and say "I'll proof read it tomorrow." And then judge what I wrote so much I wouldn't post it. In the last year I have 13 fully written blog posts that I haven't ever published. 13? 13?! Sorry, I hadn't counted before tonight, I didn't realize how many there were. This writing and not posting stops now. I am the only one constraining myself. It is SO not who I am anymore. I know I have something powerful to share and I created this blog a long time ago as a platform to share. I love writing and I've really missed putting my words out there for others to read.
There are a lot of inspiring public figures people that I follow regularly... Brene Brown, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Geneen Roth, Gabrielle Bernstein. What I admire most about these women is that they all stand up for what they think is possible. They are unrelenting in sharing what matters to them. That is who I have always aspired to be.
I am also so very grateful that I have "real" people in my day to day life that lift me up. Shout outs to three people in particular who have so inspired me with their courage online lately: Bri Westhaver, Sarah Sihota, and Kelsey Mech. Your blog posts are so raw, vulnerable and authentic.
Why am I mentioning these incredible women? Because they, along with my non-blogging heros, have served as a giant spot light on how I'd been so inauthentic on my own blog.
No more being scared to post what I'm really thinking. This blog is about my journey in living a healthy life, yes, and it's so much more than that. It's about who I am and sharing what I'm truly passionate about.
Time to get a little uncomfortable again! No more hiding quietly. Time to shout it out loud and proud. Hey world, this is who I am! This is what matters to me. Let's connect.
Coming soon: a visual make over! I was so out of touch with this blog I didn't notice my free template disappeared back in November. I don't have the time to create everything tonight, but expect some changes coming soon!
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