You could say that 2012 was all about transforming my physical self. And 2013 has been, for me, the year in which I really started to transform everything else. I've really started to examine my life. Look at what I want and don't want, and the role I've played so far. Which is why I think I stopped blogging, I wanted to sort through my emotions privately. As my inbox has been flooded these last few days with blog posts from inspirational people I follow, I thought I should resurrect my own blog. Couldn't let this year go by without one final post!
Top 10 biggest moments of the year, in no particular order:
- After 6 long years, finally finished my B.Ed and crossed the stage into "real life."
- Had to give away my beautiful cat, Tilly. She went to a wonderful family with a little boy who adores her though, and every time I miss her I remind myself I made the best choice for both of us.
- Got my heart broken for the first time.
- Completed my Landmark Forum, and went on to do 3 more courses with them.
- Went to San Fran (twice!).
- Had my first real, post grad, 8-4 job, working as a Inventory Verification Coordinator at the military gym.
- Said good bye to some of my favourite people, and met new friends that quickly became family.
- Reconnected with my Dad's side of the family.
- Had four incredible conversations with important people in my life that changed the way I view life, and myself.
- Gave up being that little girl that's scared of everything but too scared to admit even that. When those excuses and self created drama pop up, I have systems in place to bring me back to reality, and what I really care about.
What a year. In terms of my weight loss journey, I can't boast that I've kept off all the weight I lost last year. However, I have systems in place for 2014 to work off the 20lbs that I did let come back. Which includes more blogging on here.
And for my last share of 2013, here are 3 quotes that seem to sum up my "plan" for this next year.
Sitting here, imagining 2014, I've got the biggest smile on my face. I'm starting the year with no job, no major plan, and a whole whack load of excitement. Why? Because of what I do have. Skills, connections, an education, systems in place and most important - a passion for living life full out, knowing I am the one who creates my life.
I don't know exactly what this year will bring, but I know it will be big. And for once that doesn't scare me at all. For starters, I'm leaving Victoria and moving back to the mainland. I might travel, I might move across the world, I might start my career with Landmark, I might go back for my Master's, I might start a business, I might do something entirely different that I can't even imagine. I'm 24 - The possibilities are endless and I get to create the world and life I want. I am SO fortunate to be where I am, and to have such wonderful people in my life to ground me and lift me up at the same time.

I used to be an incredibly cautious person. I didn't like change, not knowing made me angry, and don't even get me started about avoiding conflict! I would make pro and con lists like no bodies business. And all that brain power was used up to what, prove to someone else that I was perfect and never made any bad choices? Some of my greatest choices have been made on a whim, or when the cons side seemed bigger. UVic, Curves, BDHQ, Landmark. I don't regret a single choice. And I've made a lot of mistakes as well. And isn't that great?! Because I have learned SO much from them. Can't wait for all the mistakes I get to make and learn from. I promise right now to do at least one blog post next year that talks about all the mistakes I've made lately.
Bring it on, 2014. Let's go on an adventure called taking on what REALLY matters to me.
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