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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The summer of new!

Wow, what a whirl wind this summer is turning out to be! Life has a way of lining up for me lately. Approaching life with a positive, loving, and go getter attitude has made so much possible for me! Lots of amazing things have been happening and I will explain more in detail later. But here are the high lights:

New job: I got a new full time job working for DND. It's a 90 day casual position with a high chance of being renewed in January. Super exciting! I'll still be working part time at the hotel, to keep my perks, get extra $, and keep my commitments there as much as possible. I have no plans of getting on the TOC list this year, but I'm still open to possibility of teaching overseas.

New home: I'm moving in with my cousin to a GORGEOUS apartment a block away from the beach. I'm so excited about our place and us living together. I think it's going to be amazing and I am so glad things are working out. Parting with roommates is always so difficult for me (tears EVERY time) but I'm in the space of being grateful for the incredible people I've had the opportunity of living with, as I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.

New adventures: This will be the first year that I'm not returning to school in September. I quite literally can't remember a time that I wasn't in school. The last 6 years have been all about me going to school full time, working to pay for it, and then using whatever left over time to attempt to take care of myself. I am looking forward to this next leg of my life with supreme excitement and gratitude. I am creating my path in life and it feels AWESOME.

New friends: These last three months I've been participating in weekly seminars through Landmark and it has so wonderful. Today was our last session (cue tears!) but I'm so grateful for everyone that I have met and excited to see where we all go.

Appreciation: With all these "new" and exciting adventures to come, it reminds me that change does not have to be a big, scary thing. My life is going to change a LOT in the next year, I can just feel it, I'm right on the edge and about to take a giant leap. And gosh darn-it, for once, I am going to jump with open arms and take it all in. The good, the bad, the excitement, the struggles, the triumphs...

Hello my big messy life. I love you and I'm so glad I get to have this experience!


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