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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Late Night Realizations

The result of attempting decision making at 11:45pm while trying to finish a paper...

OK, exercise next semester! Decision time! Biggest Winner, regular BDHQ classes, hot yoga,
UVic gym, dance classes?!? How can I chose? What can I afford?
Damn BDHQ for having such awesome Christmas coupons while I'm still in school mode.

Hey! Wait! Look at all the options I have!

OMG I feel like an athlete. I AM an athlete! I know I can do any and all of those things.
I want to do these things. This is the first time that's ever happened in my life.

Stress = gone. Whatever I chose, I'm just so happy to be where I am today
rather than where I was two years ago.

P.S. My guns are coming in nicely. Go me. 


  1. Susie, you are a very unbelievably wise girl! So happy I met you and I know you will be successful at this... and PS, thanks for sharing and nice guns sista!
