In honour of this being my 50th post on this blog, here is a list of 50 things that I have discovered about myself, my passions, and the world in the last year.
1. I like cottage cheese, kale, spinach, pineapple, quinoa, edamame beans, and avocado. I'm even learning to like tomatoes!
2. I am stronger than I ever thought I could be.
3. Sometimes, you just need to stop using google search.
4. Deep fried Chinese take out makes me feel like crap and is so not worth it.
5. My friends will love me, no matter what my deep dark secrets I think I have.
6. Everyone has issues - that's what makes people fun to talk to.
7. Sometimes a hug from a loved one is all I really need.
8. Never rent an apartment/house without a bathtub again (unless travelling).
9. Just because something says "low fat" or "organic" does not mean it's healthy. Read the nutritional label.
10. The people you love won't live forever, spend time with them while you can.
11. It's ok not to smile all the time.
12. It's ok to want to smile when you're sad.
13. The world will not end because I say no to something.
14. Everything happens for a reason. I believe that now more than ever.
15. When I'm upset or can't focus, exercise always helps. If I can't work up a good sweat, even a walk is better than nothing.
16. Sometimes you just have to sit down, shut up and do your work.
17. Taking ten minutes to sit and drink tea every day is not being selfish, it's necessary.
18. I like tea. A lot. Even more than I like hot chocolate (I know, it's shocking to me too. Laura and Terri, what have you turned me into?!?! :) )
19. It's never ok to judge someone, you don't know their story.
20. Everyone has weaknesses and insecurities, talking about your own doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong because you are doing something about it.
21. Food doesn't have to be the enemy.
22. I'm a lot happier when I say nice things to myself - and that makes it easier for me to enjoy life.
23. If something is important enough, you will find the money for it. I.E. boot camp.
24. It's hard for me to accept compliments. I am sure it stems from having spent every year before now never believing the compliments, or feeling like it didn't matter if I was nice or kind. It's getting easier but it is still something I grapple with.
25. It's ok that I don't know what I want to do with my life.
26. I want to travel. No, I *need* to travel.
27. I have an incredibly strong desire to learn more about the world. Our past, what's happening now, what our future will look like, how relationships work and people interact... I love it all.
28. I get so busy in the day to day of my normal life that I sometimes forget this strong desire until it comes back with a vengeance.
29. Focusing on too many things at once just leaves you tired.
30.You get what you pay for. For example, writing this while in the SeaWest Lounge on the ferry is totally worth the $12!
31. Talking to a friend or writing about my emotions feels a lot better than eating through them.
32. But it's still ok to eat a big piece of cake when I really need it.
33. I have too much stuff. Papers I'll never look at again, shoes I don't wear, kitchen utensils I can't even name. I'm slowly purging and it feels wonderful.
34. This is more recent.. Perhaps the reasons that I don't want to be a teacher are the the reasons why I really need to be a teacher.
35. Telling yourself it's ok not to be perfect is easier than being ok with not being perfect.
36. I compare myself to others, a lot. Sometimes I fall short and sometimes I feel better about myself. Either way it's something I want to stop.
37. I am very, very fortunate to have the strong relationships with my grandparents that I do have.
38. I will never go hungry or be homeless. I have my wonderful family to thank for that.
39. We need to teach ourselves and our children about healthy and sustainable living if we want to see any real change.
40. If we keep living the way we do, we will destroy our planet.
41. I can go out to a nice dinner and not want dessert.
42. I can go to a birthday party (mine even!) and not eat cake if I don't want to.
43. Having a tiny piece of cake is better than looking at it longingly and gorging myself on something else later in the day/week
44. My favorite treat: soft serve DQ sundae with dipped chocolate coating. *drools*
45. "Fake it till you make it" with confidence... I'm making it. Definitely making it. :)
46. Blondes really do have more fun and I look pretty darn awesome as one. (Thank you Kelly)
47. I can fit into bus seats, amusement park rides, movie theatre seats and air planes comfortably.
48. Pinterest = both the best and worst thing for me.
49. When you don't think your presentation will go well, look cute. Then your classmates spend just as much time thinking about how awesome you look.
50. There is a difference between taking care of yourself and being selfish. I've become a better friend, daughter, employee and student because I put myself first now.
Following My Heart
This blog is a record of my journey through life. It celebrates life, love, learning and laughing at myself along the way! I'm currently on a six month journey through SE Asia, my first ever solo trip. Thanks for joining me in soaking up all life has to offer.
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