When things get going in my life, they really start to move. My first post-grad, full time permanent job and it's my dream job! I am now a Staff Member at Landmark's Vancouver Center! I am beyond thrilled about it and still in a little bit of shock, even after a week and a half of working there. When I sat in my first introduction to Landmark last December, and subsequently completing my Landmark Forum just under a year ago, I never in a million years I thought I'd be where I am today. I knew right away that I loved the type of education and tools Landmark provides, but it's taken many many coaching calls for me to stop listening to my fears of "not good enough" long enough to apply to and accept a position on staff. I don't know what the future brings for me, but I know I'm the one who is calling the shots now, which is very exciting. And now my life will continue to be about making the impossible possible - both personally and professionally.
And on that theme, I'm finally unveiling the list I've been working on. A little while ago I stumbled across Impossible HQ and immediately fell in love with his "Impossible List." So naturally I created my own! You'll notice a new page along the right hand side. This is a compilation of many things that have always been floating around in my head, but I've been too scared to ever voice them before. Not anymore. The list isn't a bucket list of things that would be nice. Nearly everything on that list at some point in my life I've said it's impossible to do that.
This list is now a challenge for me. I'm living proof that with commitment, actions and support, anything is possible. I'll be crossing these items off as I complete them as well as updating as more things pop up. I could do all of these things in my lifetime, I could do only one, or any number in between. One thing is for sure though, I'm through with listening to the voice in my head that tells me I'm not capable of any of them.
And in challenging myself, I nominate all of you. What do you think is impossible? What's niggling around in the back of your mind that you don't want to say out loud, in fear of sounding bad or your brain immediately tells you it's not possible. It could be big or small. But why not try on that it is possible, and see what actions it'd take you get you there.
Check out my list by clicking here!
Following My Heart
This blog is a record of my journey through life. It celebrates life, love, learning and laughing at myself along the way! I'm currently on a six month journey through SE Asia, my first ever solo trip. Thanks for joining me in soaking up all life has to offer.
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