I realized I haven't been talking very much about what I've been doing to train for the half marathon. Not on here at least. There's so much else I want to talk about that it has been pushed to the side. But I am still training! Today was a short run, just 7km but it was so hard to get myself out of bed and off the road. Hardest time I've had yet I think, I managed to delay it for over an hour before I got my butt moving. I'm always glad I go though, and today was no different. The best part was at about 6km - I started thinking thank goodness this is just a short run, I don't have the energy to do anything longer today. When did 7km become a short run in my head? I have no idea when it happened, but it made me laugh when I thought about it. I knew physically my body was training for the half, but those thoughts show me just how much I'm changing mentally too.
This past Wednesday I had my longest run yet.. I wanted to run 19km but I hit a wall just before 18km and had to walk the rest of the way. The worst part.. the bus stop home was another 2km walk away so by the end it was 20km total. I will admit, by the end of the run I was not the most upbeat person. I was tired, grumpy, hurting and kicking myself because I couldn't do the full 19 I wanted to. Plus there were about 30 teenagers waiting at the bus stop with me and as I'm sure many people have heard me say before.. I didn't like teenagers when I was one.
Thankfully by the time I got home my attitude had changed quite a bit. I was still moaning and groaning to Nicole as I crawled (literally) up the stairs to take a shower, but I was proud of myself. I was about midway through a thought about how I wish I could have run further when I realized.. I still ran over 17km. Sorry to swear, but what went through my head was "that's a pretty big fucking deal." Especially because 4 months ago I couldn't (didn't) run at all. Add in the fact that the day before I started getting the I'll-be-sick-soon-if-I-don't-drink-water-and-sleep inklings - and I would call it a damn good accomplishment.
The 20km was tough for my body though, I can tell that after the half I will be a bit of a mess. Thank goodness my parents will be here for it.. I should probably tell my Dad he has to give me and my sister massages later! :)
I am so excited for this half marathon. My whole family is coming over and we're having Thanksgiving at my big, beautiful house this year. My mom is coming over a day early on Friday so I'll get an extra day with her all to myself too! I am also starting to get apprehensive.. 21km is a really long way and it won't be easy. I wish I had one more month to train. But I don't.. just 8 more days. And everything I've read about half marathons say to take the week before to rest so I can't even consider it another week of training. So I'm as ready as I can be right now. Next Sunday I'll be lined up and off running by 8:30am. Yikes.

Another thought I just had... according to my BMI, I am still obese. Well guess what doctors, you may consider me obese but I'm still going to run a half marathon. Boo yeah.
Here's the course I'll be running... I've done a couple of long runs along Dallas Rd to help prepare me and I'll tell yeah, I am severely dreading that hill along Hollywood Drive.