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Thursday, August 2, 2012

What do you mean it's August already?!

I'm amazed at what a month of bootcamp and clean eating/Curves Complete has done for me. I spent a bit of time this morning going back and reading my older posts. It made me feel really good. Especially remembering how difficult that first spin class was for me. I wanted to give up and had to do SO many breaks. Last night I went down for the evening check in, not planning to workout since I had went to a noon class, but Jordana was there, having just signed up (yay!) and she convinced me to stay for the spinning class. It was with the same instructor as my first one, but this time I could actually keep up for the most part! And then this morning at 6am I did another spin class! My legs are feeling a little bit like jelly, but I love the feeling.

Plus, after 45 minutes of spin this morning she got us to run around the block - twice. And I didn't stop to walk, not once. My jogging may have slowed down a tiny bit at the end/hill, but I kept going. One month ago just getting around the block once was a painful experience.

The inside is changing too. Both physically and mentally. I enjoyed reading my posts about the post-Curves meeting semi-freakout, worrying if I'd be able to keep it up. I hadn't given it much thought over this month, to be honest. But this morning I did and I'm not scared any more. I really have changed the way I think. And I'm addicted to sweating, haha. I am pushing myself further physically every day, because I want to be able to do so many things. Climb a mountain. Ride a bike around town. Do a full push up. And I know that I'll get there. It's not an option anymore. It's just what's going to happen. My weight loss may slow down and get harder, but I won't give up getting stronger physically. I'm done with hiding my emotions in food. I will prove to myself that I am strong enough.

P.S. Warrior Dash in T-2 sleeps! Stay posted for pictures of me covered in mud! So excited.


  1. You inspire me every time you are at BW!

    I hope the Warrior Dash is fun, I want to hear all about it so I can start preparing for next year. Especially tell me about the old people doing it lol
