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Monday, July 9, 2012

Birthday fun

I should really be in bed right now, but I realized it's been almost a week since my last post and I wanted to say something super quick. My top 5 moments over the weekend:

1) My friends throwing me a surprise party for my birthday. I came pretty close to crying! Especially when I saw that they had made all healthy food. Love, love, love them all!

2) Using my time wisely. When I woke up, wide awake, at 7am on my birthday day rather than grumbling at not being able to sleep, I got up, got dressed and went outside. I did a hour and 15 minute jog/walk with a stop at the local park to do some planks, pushups and tricep dips! My workout wasn't as good as if I was at bootcamp, but it was better than nothing!

3) Spending my birthday day walking/shopping/talking with my sister. Was so great not only to catch up with her but have another person that will talk about fitness and healthy eating with me extensively :)

4) During the family birthday party, I was so proud of my portion control. The food was absolutely delicious (gourmet as my Nana put it) AND super healthy. But even still, I made sure my plate my 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch and 1/2 veggies/fruits. It was perfect. And then came dessert - I went for all fruit and a tiny bit of whipping cream. Wasn't even all that tempted by the cake or chocolate desserts. I had indulged enough at my surprise party.

5) Having so many wonderful discussions with my cousins, aunts, and grandparents.

Things to improve on:

1) Not turn to Starbucks all the time when I need a quick fix. The protein drink is tasty and good in a pinch, but should not be a staple. And at $5 a pop, I can't afford to have it every other day!

2) Getting workouts in even when I'm tired/not in Victoria. I managed to hit around 15,000 steps every day while I was gone, but it was mostly slow walking. Other than my jog Saturday morning I didn't get a ton of exercise in.

That's all for now! I have all morning shifts at work this week which means getting out of bed between 4:20 and 4:30. I'm aiming to be asleep by 9 every night.


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