Well, I've finally listened to all my friends who told me to slow down! And man am I loving the benefits. The funny thing is, I don't feel like I'm missing anything. I made the choice to get healthy again last summer when I sat down and made a 3 page summer to-do list. I decided my reward, should I finish said list, would be to buy myself an iPhone. Best motivator out there, as my roommates last summer could tell you. I made so many changes that I am proud of. And all stemmed from the choice to put myself and my health first.
Making health a priority has been a series of choices ever since. From big things like moving to a new place to little ones like parking further away from the grocery store. I've made it a goal of mine this month to make at least one good choice a day. By that, I don't mean the simple ones like measuring out food because for me, that is already habitual. I mean when I am tempted to get a spoon and have some peanut butter and honey "because I deserve it," I choose to walk away instead. Or when my parents are driving through a Tim Hortons I choose to order a hot water (I always carry my favourite tea with me now) and don't touch any of the timbits my dad bought, no matter how much they are screaming at me. I remind myself why I am doing this and of how far I've come already. These good choices are not easy to make, but I find the more I make them, the easier they get.
Control freak as I am, I often get a thrill when I make a good choice. It reminds me that *I* am in control of my life and my actions. Not food or anyone else in my life. Me. Often that thrill is enough to over power what temptation is shouting at me. When it's not, I'll reach out to my support system. Whether it's someone who will remind me that I am in control of my choices or someone who will celebrate my success (no matter how small it may be).
In the spirit of good choices, I thought I'd make a list of some of the ones I am most proud of over the last year:
- Facing the music at Curves and Weight Watchers and signing up for the second time, 70 pounds heavier than when I left 2 years prior.
- Admitting to my family that I needed help financially to meet my goals.
- Changing jobs from the daycare to Curves. I knew it would be a good choice but it was still hard to leave the job I loved and the people who inspired me every day.
- This one is by far the biggest... moving out to a new place. It has cost me dearly financially to leave the townhouse but I needed to be in a better environment. I still remember the first time Nicole made brownies and she put them in her room because she didn't think it was fair to leave them on the counter. It honestly made me cry because I had never before lived in a house where junk food was not always there, always one slip of will power away.
- Waking up early every day to either go to Curves or swim before my 10am classes.
- Making my lunch for the next day every night. It only takes me a few minutes to make my salad and pack snacks, and it makes me so good knowing even if I wake up super late I will still be eating healthy the next day.
- Becoming a Curves Complete Coach. Every time I sit down with a member and we discuss their week and set goals for the next, I feel refreshed. It also keeps me accountable because I don't want to let them down!
And here are two choices that I'd like to make routine in my life in the next month:
- Stop licking the spoon clean. Or knife or bowl. It is extra calories that I don't need to fuel my body, so why do it? I stop myself about 50% of the time, but often it's just so habitual to do it I forget that I can make the choice to not do it. I want to change that around so I don't even think about doing it.
- Wake up early and get dressed for the day right away, even if I don't work till 1. Once my ankle heals, I am planning on going for hikes or dancing again. Sweat for at least 30 minutes before work, every day. I find getting dressed makes me feel like I need to move and get stuff done.
So my challenge to everyone reading this.. make at least one good choice today. Tomorrow, inspire someone else to make a good choice with you. Make a choice that helps you to be a healthier, happier person. We all know we need to make good choices, but when you feel yourself start that internal battle with yourself "should I, shouldn't I." Chose the healthier option. Take back control because soon enough those small good choices will add up. And trust me, it is worth it. WE are worth it.
you are so cute and amazing :) and I made it in to your blog!